Browsing all posts tagged with zombie games.

Deadlight – Review

Deadlight – Review

Going to E3 this year was a huge accomplishment for me, both personally and professionally, and a fantastic achievement that I never thought I’d be able to call my own. E3 is a truly untameable beast – spitting acid, fur-balls and other fluids at you…

Deadlight – E3 Preview

Deadlight – E3 Preview

There were hundreds of games at E3 2012 that I wanted to get my grubby hands on, but one of the few I was especially looking forward to was Deadlight. Having seen some previews prior to heading to Los Angeles, I immediately fell in love…

Dead Island Riptide Announced

To almost no one’s surprise, another installment in the Dead Island franchise is on the way, guaranteeing more zombie goodness for those who didn’t get enough of Techland’s Dead Island last time around.  Deep Silver announced the new title today, although lips have remained sealed…