Browsing all posts tagged with XCom.

XCOM and the Art of Permanence

XCOM and the Art of Permanence

Caleb Johnson never wanted to be a soldier. He had other plans for his life. All of that changed when the aliens attacked, though. He couldn’t just leave the world to fend for itself. He had to do what he could to help. So he

XCOM: Enemy Within – Preview

XCOM: Enemy Within – Preview

When I was younger, my dad would delight in telling me how Napoleon, when being told of the virtues of a new General, would listen to their informed skills and attributes and then remark “That’s all well and good, but is he lucky?”. Napoleon…

The Richie Report: The Repo Man’s Come For The Coconut KitKat

The Richie Report: The Repo Man’s Come For The Coconut KitKat

Hello, poppets. When I joked last time that we’d had five days of sun and therefore that was our summer, I didn’t realise that in fact we were basically crashing into the fucking thing. Crikey, I’m far too pale for this bullshit but what can…