Browsing all posts tagged with WWII games.

THQ Pre-E3 Event: Company of Heroes 2, Darksiders 2, Metro: Last Light Previews

THQ Pre-E3 Event: Company of Heroes 2, Darksiders 2, Metro: Last Light Previews

With E3 around the corner, gamers everywhere (myself included) are salivating at the prospect of what the expo will bring. New titles will abound and it may be impossible to keep up with everything that goes on, even with an army of typewriting monkeys (or…

Wargame: European Escalation Announced

Contrary to popular belief, war is certainly good for something, and that something is the games industry who have yet to relinquish their firm hold on these shooty, tank filled playgrounds. Latest to step up and take aim is Focus Home Interactive with their latest…