Browsing all posts tagged with Wolfenstein: The Old Blood.

The Richie Report – The Annual Reflection of One Quite Bitter Being

The Richie Report – The Annual Reflection of One Quite Bitter Being

It was the year that was the year in Back to the Future 2 or 1 or fucking 3. I don’t know. It was the year that was two years before the ants arrive in Earth Defense Force. That’s right, 2015 was a…

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood – Review

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood – Review

Almost two years ago, I boarded a plane with some friends to Germany with the intent of playing new games, writing kick-ass previews, and pissing off the locals with my B-grade GCSE German. While there, I had the chance to play a section from the…

The Richie Report – The Metallic Helix Retrospective

The Richie Report – The Metallic Helix Retrospective

It’s the day after the General Election and we’re all pissed off. It’s not easy living as part of a nation of dickheads. This is why we need games. Virtual worlds with no David Cameron in them. I wonder if the Assassin’s Creed equivalents of…