Browsing all posts tagged with William Shatner.

’80s and ’90s Game Advertising, Sponsored by Wind Tunnels Inc

’80s and ’90s Game Advertising, Sponsored by Wind Tunnels Inc

The late ’80s through to early ’90s was a confusing time for everyone involved. The Soviets didn’t know if they were coming or going, baseball caps were worn backwards on sunny days, and chequered shirts were not restricted to lumberjacks. It was especially confusing for…

EDF 2017 Arrives on Xbox: GOD

Fans of the cheesy insect-em-up, Earth Defence Force 2017 may be pleased to hear that the game with more ham than William Shatner’s career has now arrived on Xbox Games on Demand.  Available for £14.99, EDF 2017 offers a pretty enticing purchase for those who…

Collecting Dust

Collecting Dust

If I continue buying consoles and systems on a collection-only basis, this would probably be the best idea for my next birthday! When it came to buying birthday presents recently, I found it extremely difficult to come with ideas that weren’t the proverbial chocolates and…