Browsing all posts tagged with Wii.

Gaming – Technology In Play

Gaming – Technology In Play

Back in the late 90s, the gaming industry was taking a significant turn in its definition and scale of game play. With 3D gaming technology being fully employed into games such as Super Mario 64 (1997), the strong cinematic narrative seen in Metal Gear Solid…

Generation (s)Kill?

Generation (s)Kill?

Us gamers have found a novel way to get into tight parking spots Walking to work the other day, I had occasion to observe a woman parking her car. All those at the back who just looked at each other with THAT look, you know,…

Collecting Dust

Collecting Dust

If I continue buying consoles and systems on a collection-only basis, this would probably be the best idea for my next birthday! When it came to buying birthday presents recently, I found it extremely difficult to come with ideas that weren’t the proverbial chocolates and…