Browsing all posts tagged with Two Worlds II.

Two Worlds II: Pirates Of The Flying Fortress – E3 Preview

Two Worlds II: Pirates Of The Flying Fortress – E3 Preview

There are few games which, when reviewed, have enough depth and immersion to warrant over eight thousand words, especially having been delayed for three years after its original announcement as a mere expansion.  Two Worlds II is one such game.  In April, only a…

Two Worlds II – Full Review

Two Worlds II – Full Review

It was a time of unrest, with distant mutterings being whispered from brother to brother, each word twisting and turning until none could remember what was truth and what was merely fabrication. While some spoke of a shadow on the horizon lumbering towards them at…

Game ‘No Longer Stocking’ Two Worlds II

It seems that more misery is about to be heaped on beleaguered Two Worlds fans with major high-street retailer, Game now stating on their Twitter feed to anxious customers that they ‘won’t be stocking it’.  The game, released in Europe late last year, was due…