Browsing all posts tagged with Titan Attacks.

Ultratron – Review

Ultratron – Review

Ultratron, by Puppy Games, is an arcade shoot ‘em up that follows on from their Space Invaders-inspired Titan Attacks, a game we didn’t particularly rate. That was partially because it stuck a little too close to Space Invaders which, classic status aside,…

The Richie Report – The Formicidae Extermination: Experiment Six of Sixteen

The Richie Report – The Formicidae Extermination: Experiment Six of Sixteen

“the last Richie Report? No.”
Has it really been a month since the last Richie Report? No. It’s been way longer but that’s great as it means I can actually write about some games rather than padding out some bullshit with jokes about piss or…

Titan Attacks – Review

Titan Attacks – Review

Despite its legendary status, I’ve never rated Space Invaders. I played it some thirty years ago in a holiday/concentration camp in Camber fucking Sands and because it was next to Galaxians, even in that primitive era it already looked dated. It’s also the…