Browsing all posts tagged with text adventures.

Auto Cannibalism Is Not The Answer

Auto Cannibalism Is Not The Answer

I’m too young to remember Zork being released, and I suppose even to appreciate it ever really being a “thing”. When I first got my hands on a games console, it was a Sega Megadrive, and I was playing Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (as far…

You See Nothing

You See Nothing

People believe that Da Vinci's art showed futuristic visions... but not this one. Pac-Man was from the 80s and that was AGES ago! There are times when I stop and think about how good graphics look in games these days. There is so much detail…

Desert Island Discs, Disks, Carts and Cassettes

Desert Island Discs, Disks, Carts and Cassettes

And so it begins >Look You come to, lying on the shoreline of a tropical beach with the sun caressing the back of your neck. White sand stretches away on either side of your bruised body and vanishes in a distant haze while ahead, a…