Browsing all posts tagged with survival horror.

THQ Pre-E3 Event: Company of Heroes 2, Darksiders 2, Metro: Last Light Previews

THQ Pre-E3 Event: Company of Heroes 2, Darksiders 2, Metro: Last Light Previews

With E3 around the corner, gamers everywhere (myself included) are salivating at the prospect of what the expo will bring. New titles will abound and it may be impossible to keep up with everything that goes on, even with an army of typewriting monkeys (or…

Trapped Dead Review

Trapped Dead Review

Imagine a world without Zombies. You can’t can you? Amazing really, considering that the human race is yet to unleash a deadly plague, mutate or be bitten by a Hamster that was born and raised inside a nuclear reactor. As gamers, Zombies are a huge…