Browsing all posts tagged with survival horror.

Sacrilegium – Preview

Sacrilegium – Preview

Shortly before this year’s E3 expo in Los Angeles, a press release was issued which shed light on the “unannounced Reality Pump title” that we had down on our schedule, unveiling this new IP as a survival horror going by the name of Sacrilegium.  As…

Deadlight – Review

Deadlight – Review

Going to E3 this year was a huge accomplishment for me, both personally and professionally, and a fantastic achievement that I never thought I’d be able to call my own. E3 is a truly untameable beast – spitting acid, fur-balls and other fluids at you…

TopWare Announce Sacrilegium

Two Worlds publisher, TopWare Interactive, today announced their new survival horror title, Sacrilegium – a game which thrusts players into the role of 20 year old college student, Alex who finds herself descending into a world ‘beyond known reality’ in an adventure which promises ‘complex…