Browsing all posts tagged with story based gaming.

Best of 2015: Tell No Tales

Best of 2015: Tell No Tales

First Published: Sep 18, 2015
Voted For By: Adam, Tim, Ed
Reason(s) For Vote:
“Because I too am a fan of Telltale’s excellent writing and characters but dismayed at how they seem unable to realise that all the other bits of their games are pretty

Best of 2015: The Redundant Gamer

Best of 2015: The Redundant Gamer

First Published: Jan 9, 2015
Voted For By: Keegan, Lorna
Reason(s) For Vote:
“There’s a reason that I don’t watch much TV, and it’s not because I’m smart enough to work out the endings – because I’m really not. I love to feel engaged, and

Tell No Tales

Tell No Tales

I still remember when the first episode of Telltale’s The Walking Dead launched. Unsure what to expect, and having only played snippets of their Sam & Max games in the past, I ‘ummed and ahhed’ for approximately twelve seconds before thinking “ah what the