Browsing all posts tagged with Steam.

Nimbus – Review

Nimbus – Review

Nimbus is a bit hard to describe in all honesty as it’s one of those games that sits between a number of varying genres. It is actually described by the developers as a combination of a racing and a puzzle game, which is probably as…

Torchlight sells 500,000 copies

Runic Games have reason to celebrate today as it’s been announced that Torchlight, the hit hack ‘n’ slash RPG has moved over 500,000 units since it’s release in October last year. Launching originally as a digital download only title and brought to you by developers…

Digital Heartache

Digital Heartache

When digital distribution first started to appear I was firmly in the opposite corner, opposing it in every way possible, pitch fork in hand and ready to combat it head on. Colour me old fashioned but there was something about carrying home a freshly bought…