Browsing all posts tagged with Steam.

The Future is Free (To Play)

The Future is Free (To Play)

"I know, it's ridiculous isn't it?" Many years ago, before the world had descended into economic chaos and a dog had been lauded as the most talented person in Britain, there was a well-established business model for games – companies would make a game and…

Yarrgh! Real Pirates!

Yarrgh! Real Pirates!

Ustinov - officially awesome pirate Man, pirates are awesome, aren’t they? Yarrgh! Shiver me timbers! Batten down the hatches! Full sail ahead! It’s a life you’re probably envious of – no rules, no one to tell you when to wash, and plenty of rum as…

Bastion Comes To Steam

In case you weren’t already aware, Supergiant Games announced this weekend that their much talked about debut title, Bastion, will make its way to Steam on August 16th.  Bastion was, as mentioned countless times before (yet still worth reiterating), our sleeper hit of PAX East…