Browsing all posts tagged with stealth games.

Thief – Review

Thief – Review

If you’ve read a lot of the press around the release of Thief you could be forgiven for thinking that it’s a terrible game; it’s been getting a lot of 7s and we all know that in games journalism a ’7′ is pretty much the…

Rain – Review

Rain – Review

I used to hate rain. Whenever it rained outside I would hide under roofs and awnings to try and get away from it, lest one drop hit my head and send me into a flurry of tears (I have never been a particularly strong person,…

DARK – Review

DARK – Review

I’m pretty sure this game just skipped a decent chunk of its story without explanation. There I was, sitting through a painfully-badly voice-acted cutscene in someone’s office, containing the usual pre-boss fight posturing and some weirdly-out-of-place questions about what vampire society is like when the…