Browsing all posts tagged with Space Invaders.

Gaming Deaths

Gaming Deaths

We live in the age of the FPS. The biggest selling games are your standard first-person shooters that are designed to pit you, the sane kind of chap or chapess who reads Gaming Lives, against the kind of uber-fuckwits that make up the majority of…

You See Nothing

You See Nothing

People believe that Da Vinci's art showed futuristic visions... but not this one. Pac-Man was from the 80s and that was AGES ago! There are times when I stop and think about how good graphics look in games these days. There is so much detail…

Collecting Dust

Collecting Dust

If I continue buying consoles and systems on a collection-only basis, this would probably be the best idea for my next birthday! When it came to buying birthday presents recently, I found it extremely difficult to come with ideas that weren’t the proverbial chocolates and…