Browsing all posts tagged with Sony.

Sony & Activision Join Tax Outcry

Sony & Activision Join Tax Outcry

With the tax break rug pulled out from under the gaming industry, as covered here, the outcry is growing, with both Sony and Activision joining the crowd of outraged voices.  In a piece by the Financial Times, Activision’s Bobby Kotick was quoted as…

New Heavy Rain DLC On ‘Indefinite Hold’

Bad news for Playstation3 fans hoping for more Heavy Rain DLC, because, according to C&VG, the second DLC has been put on ‘indefinite hold’.  It seems that: “The studio [Quantic Dream] told Game Informer at E3 that Sony had ‘encouraged’ it to concentrate its…

E3 2010: Who, What, Why, and Other Stuff

E3 2010: Who, What, Why, and Other Stuff

E3.  Doesn’t sound like much does it? Even its logo isn’t much to look at but, for a gamer, it is without question the greatest event of the year – I don’t sleep before E3!  Something that’s always annoyed me about E3 however is trying…