Browsing all posts tagged with RTS.

Meridian: Squad 22 – Review

Meridian: Squad 22 – Review

You don’t have to look far these days to find a resurgence in popularity for early-style real-time strategy games. A focus on single-player content, base-building, less micro-management, and increased focus on blowing stuff up has more in common with Red Alert and KKND than R.U.S.E 

It’s Always Darkest Before The Dawn of War II – Breaking Old Habits

It’s Always Darkest Before The Dawn of War II – Breaking Old Habits

At some point in my life I started playing real-time strategy games. Red Alert, Total Annihilation, and KKND were all games that I played plenty of while growing up, and all influenced my style of play for this genre. Simply put, I have always adopted…

Etherium – Review

Etherium – Review

Etherium (not Elysium, as I’ve been calling it because I’m an idiot) is a real-time and turn-based strategy game where three rival factions fight for control over a mysterious resource known as Etherium. Players will take control of one of these factions and begin both…