Browsing all posts tagged with RPGs.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – Review

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – Review

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning shouldn’t be this good. The demo was promising without being amazing, it’s got a stupid name (AND a sub-title despite being the first game in the series HNGHHH!) and it comes just a few months after the genre-defining behemoth Skyrim came…

Risen 2 Story DLC Pre Order Bonus

You wait… oh, five minutes for more Risen 2: Dark Waters info and then a stack comes along at once.  Hot on the heels of today’s sexy new screenies comes the news of a pre-order bonus for the upcoming pirate themed RPG in the form…

More Risen 2 Screens Bob To Surface

Pirates.  The decent kind.  We love them here at GLHQ and, as you’ll know if you’ve been following our Risen 2 coverage, the upcoming sequel to the Norris-hard Risen is a release with which we’re particularly enamoured.  We were lucky enough to get several in-depth…