Browsing all posts tagged with puzzle.

The Firm – Review

The Firm – Review

In days of old, before particles and polygons were even considered in the aesthetics of video games, we had practically no choice but to immerse ourselves in what became known as the ‘twitch’ genre.  It involved lightning-fast reaction times, very little in the way of…

Trine 2 – Review

Trine 2 – Review

Remember that time when you were still really young and you were given a video game? A brand spanking new one, all shiny in its wrapper, full of promise, joy and utter brilliance? Nothing could dissuade that feeling that you’d achieved total Nirvana (no, not…

Lucius – E3 Preview

Lucius – E3 Preview

I wasn’t exactly your normal child growing up.  While all the neighbourhood kids bounced around outside with their Pogo Sticks and Lolo Balls, or waged war on each other with Action Men or Action Force figures, I was usually reading about the paranormal or watching…