Browsing all posts tagged with Portal.

If Music Be The Food Of Love, Game On

If Music Be The Food Of Love, Game On

A few years back, a friend of mine was helping me power through the campaign of Halo 2. Close to the end of it there’s a certain point when the alien collective arrayed against mankind breaks apart and a civil war erupts. The player is…

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Why won't the resolution change?? I’m not that great at video games. I’ve hardly finished most of the games that I’ve started due to frustration at my own lack of skill, and taking a Post Grad degree while working part time leaves me with little…

Portal 2 – Review

Portal 2 – Review

When my copy of The Orange Box unlocked on Steam a little less than four years ago, I couldn’t have been any more excited to sit and play the next chapter of the Half Life 2 story. I’d been waiting just over a year to…