Browsing all posts tagged with point and click games.

Broken Age Act Two – Review

Broken Age Act Two – Review

I suspect that when Double Fine launched their Kickstarter for Broken Age all those years ago, they had no idea that the project would become the perfect case study for crowd-funded games. In years to come it’ll prove to be a fascinating retrospective that showcases…

Randal’s Monday – Review

Randal’s Monday – Review

In the fast-paced world that the internet has given us, first impressions are slowly becoming more important than we’d initially give them credit for. With so many things to see, do, and willingly distract ourselves with, finding a way to ensnare someone’s attention long enough…

The Devil’s Men – Preview

The Devil’s Men – Preview

As the industry marches forward, it becomes harder and harder to find genuine innovations in your favourite genres. That’s not to say that there’s a lack of imagination – although the prevalence of first-person shooters and zombies would definitely indicate otherwise – but it’s often…