Browsing all posts tagged with Pandora.

Tales From The Borderlands – Preview

Tales From The Borderlands – Preview

Many moons ago, it looked like episodic gaming was going to be the next big thing. We imagined having all of our favourite titles delivered to us piecemeal, but at a lower overall cost. We conjured up images of being able to get everything quicker,…

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – Preview

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel – Preview

There are many franchises which sustain their following on the strength of repetition and reiteration, where the name on the box art may change slightly but the gameplay remains the same.  For some, it’s exactly what they want, as any changes made to the model…

Profoundly In Love With Pandora

Profoundly In Love With Pandora

The mind of man is as fragile as it is strong.  Catching sight of something poignant can have a varied effect on the mindset, depending on which particular aspect of the memory is being triggered, so seeing a treasured locket from a long-gone take-no-prisoners relative…