Browsing all posts tagged with original generation Pokémon.

Best of 2012 – In Answer To Your Question, We Both Chose Squirtle

Best of 2012 – In Answer To Your Question, We Both Chose Squirtle

Voted for by Ed, Keegan, Ric, Tania It’s a typical story with a slightly bizarre twist. I had my heart broken earlier this year. It happened shortly after moving away from my family and my friends, and I found myself in a particularly dark and…

In Answer To Your Question, We Both Chose Squirtle

In Answer To Your Question, We Both Chose Squirtle

It’s a typical story with a slightly bizarre twist. I had my heart broken earlier this year. It happened shortly after moving away from my family and my friends, and I found myself in a particularly dark and lonely place. I only knew a couple…