Browsing all posts tagged with Neocore Games.

Van Helsing Virtual Casting Call

You may already be aware from our coverage of The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing that many of us at GLHQ are a tad excited over the prospect of ridding the world of evils under the guise of Professor Abraham Van Helsing’s descendant.  With it…

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing – E3 Preview

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing – E3 Preview

Professor Van Helsing – the mere utterance of his name will, depending on whether you’re a movie-goer or a page-thumber, conjure images of a romanticised larger-than-life gadget-laden hero or a stuffy academic with a nose for the books and a head for discovery.  While Abraham…

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Screenies

Those of you following our E3 coverage may have noticed that we were getting excited over a little-known game by the name of The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, by Neocore Games.  That’s because the first concept artwork we’d seen looked sexy as hell, the…