Browsing all posts tagged with Need for Speed Rivals.

The Richie Report – The Formicidae Extermination: Experiment Six of Sixteen

The Richie Report – The Formicidae Extermination: Experiment Six of Sixteen

“the last Richie Report? No.”
Has it really been a month since the last Richie Report? No. It’s been way longer but that’s great as it means I can actually write about some games rather than padding out some bullshit with jokes about piss or…

Taking A Step Back

Taking A Step Back

As a self-confessed graphics whore, finally succumbing to the lure of the PlayStation 4 and soaking in the near-photorealistic renderings of Need For Speed Rivals truly was a breathtaking experience.  With a gaming history which was heavily grounded in computers rather than consoles, I always…

The Richie Report: The (250,000 / 515) * 1000 + One = ZERO Conundrum

The Richie Report: The (250,000 / 515) * 1000 + One = ZERO Conundrum

“puppies before we untangle”
Hello, Loves. The Richie Report is back in your lives and, given that we’ve just had five days of sunshine in a row, that can mean only one thing – the summer drought is upon us. It also means that E3…