Browsing all posts tagged with Microsoft.

Everything Old Is New Again

Everything Old Is New Again

Apple have long made a very successful living from taking something that already exists, putting a bit of a gloss on it and then selling it to consumers while claiming that it’s a brand new innovation in whichever particular market the product sits. They did…

Halo 4 – Singleplayer Campaign Review

Halo 4 – Singleplayer Campaign Review

It’s been the best part of half a decade since game developers Bungie left their lead man and lady drifting in the eternal black void of space. In the years since then, fans have been treated to two games that dived into the past of…

Microsoft To Launch Free To Play Title

While it is fair to say that the free to play model has been ridden round the block more than the local gimp, it isn’t yet tapped out if Microsoft’s new game is anything to go by.  The publishing giant will be releasing its first…