Browsing all posts tagged with Metal Gear Solid.

The Gaming Bucket List

The Gaming Bucket List

"I know something you don't know... I know something you don't know..." “Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go when we die?”… three questions to which Stephen Hawking probably knows the answers, but refuses to publish because he’s sick…

Metal Gear 3DS Trailer Released

Konami have finally released the E3 Metal Gear Solid 3DS trailer which was shown off to journos at the E3 conference earlier this year.  At around eight minutes in length, it shows off Snake in his rugged glory, making his way through the jungle and…

Gaming – Technology In Play

Gaming – Technology In Play

Back in the late 90s, the gaming industry was taking a significant turn in its definition and scale of game play. With 3D gaming technology being fully employed into games such as Super Mario 64 (1997), the strong cinematic narrative seen in Metal Gear Solid…