Browsing all posts tagged with Mass Effect.



Videogames, in general, have been trying the whole morality system for a very long time. The most ‘popular’ of these would be BioWare’s system, which they recently implemented with the Mass Effect Series, Dragon Age 2, and Star Wars: The Old Republic. This system essentially…

The Illusion of Choice: An Alpha Protocol Retrospective

The Illusion of Choice: An Alpha Protocol Retrospective

Before its release in June 2010, there was much hype around Alpha Protocol.  It promised an espionage-themed, modern-day action RPG with the usual trifecta of engaging gameplay, exciting action and player-driven story. On release, however, it was hailed as something of a disappointment; there were…

History is our Playground

History is our Playground

When I’m not making a coital tour of the galaxy as Commander ‘Big-Man’ Shepard, or hoarding iron ingots as ‘Hawky’ the sneaky wood elf who is somehow the head honcho of every guild in Skyrim, I tend to be caught up studying history. As much…