Browsing all posts tagged with Marvel.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes – Preview

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes – Preview

There’s a Fantastic Four cartoon from the seventies where Magneto shows up at a gas station. The attendant asks him if he needs any gas, and Magneto says ‘my car has no need for gas!’, before he lifts it with his mind and starts

Injustice: Gods Among Us – Review

Injustice: Gods Among Us – Review

Videogames have taught me many important lessons: you have to fight for what you want, love is worth visiting a few castles for, diversity is the key to a good team, and Superman is a dick.  In retrospect, I think that I knew that last…

Injustice: Gods Among Us – Preview

Injustice: Gods Among Us – Preview

For a long time I have had a lot of love for the characters that are found in comic books, and superheroes and supervillains have long been two of my favourite things. Over the years I have begun to see the differences between the two…