Browsing all posts tagged with good indie games.

Dear Esther – Review

Dear Esther – Review

Dear Esther began life in 2008 as a mod for Half-Life 2, serving as an exploration into how effectively a game could function when storytelling is the sole focus and, almost three years later, this exploration continued when it was granted independent release and the…

Antichamber – Review

Antichamber – Review

One thing that most games have in common these days is the concept of the integrated tutorial, supposedly teaching you the controls and gameplay mechanics as you play, rather than requiring you to spend time up front learning them outside of the game proper. The…

Zombies. – Review

Zombies. – Review

Going forward, I will be realigning my core reviewing processes in order to facilitate a results-driven paradigm shift in author/reader interactions. Leveraging bleeding-edge technology solutions to create synergy with The Cloud, I believe we can collaborate to create a win-win crowd-sourced solution to overcome the…