Browsing all posts tagged with good indie games.

Risk of Rain – Review

Risk of Rain – Review

Right. Get out your indie game checklist. 2D. Check.
Retro graphics. Check.
Roguelike. Check.
Fuck this game clean off. No check! Yes. It looks like Terraria. Yes, like everything else on PSN it’s a fucking Roguelike. I should hate it but here’s the thing……

FTL: Faster Than Light: Advanced Edition – Review

FTL: Faster Than Light: Advanced Edition – Review

I was sitting at the bar when it happened, shot glass in hand, counting down the minutes until that ugly-as-hell Rockman returned with my dinner. I forget his name, but christ was he ugly. I’d rather sit in a Mantis prison with a rotting Slug…

OlliOlli – Review

OlliOlli – Review

Despite the fact that it melts your eyes, has poor graphics and is branded with the word Nintendo on it, the 3DS is apparently doing rather well, thanks in part to the fact that Japanese gamers continue to flock to it now that it has…