Browsing all posts tagged with Gears Of War.

Gaming Guilty Pleasures

Gaming Guilty Pleasures

We’ve all done it. The temptation’s gotten the best of us.  Our hearts are racing, minds on fire, praying you’re not caught, hoping no-one comes into the room, because if they do, you’re caught sweating, panting heavily, clutching the controller then turning away quickly and…

There’s A Big World In Here

There’s A Big World In Here

Blizzard's eagerly anticipated, and much delayed, StarCraft II I have, like most of you, been playing video games all my life. I love them; the same escape that you can find in a book or a movie but so much more immersive, the teaming up…

Am I Evil?

Am I Evil?

I like to think that I’m a nice guy. The sort of person who would hold a door open for someone or give my seat on the bus to a pregnant woman and for the most part this is true. In person I am that…