Browsing all posts tagged with Gamescom 2013 diaries.

The Sony Gamescom Conference 2013

The Sony Gamescom Conference 2013

If the console wars were a great deal more literal rather than a buzz-term used by journalists to make competing companies sound more exciting rather than terribly, terribly boring, then after E3, Microsoft would have been just about ready to start waving the white flags.…

Letters From Gamescom

Letters From Gamescom

To The Girl On The Train Who Kept Looking Over At Me, How Ric saw it go down Hi, my name is Ric. I was the guy sat diagonally across from you on the train to London from Manchester. I had the blue headphones and…

Gamescom Diary 1: All Roads Lead to Ass

Gamescom Diary 1: All Roads Lead to Ass

Our intrepid trio. Keegan's in the middle. Yesterday morning, the sun rose to illuminate a merry trio of travellers on their way to Cologne. Sure, they were tired, hungry, grumpy and having to travel via Dusseldorf Weeze, but they were enthusiastic about the journey ahead.…