Browsing all posts tagged with gamescom 2012 preview.

DmC: Devil May Cry – Preview

DmC: Devil May Cry – Preview

Oh Dante, you beautiful beast, why do you have to stir up so much trouble? Despite the fact that your rebirth has resulted in a game that is shaping up to be seriously awesome, you’ve also stirred your fans into a frenzy about your new…

Victory: The Age of Racing – Preview

Victory: The Age of Racing – Preview

The free-to-play model is rapidly becoming a favourite of development companies for getting games out there and making them available to a wide audience in an accessible manner. Of course, the problem with making games is that they cost money, and the problem with free-to-play…

Kartuga – Preview

Kartuga – Preview

The older I become, the more I’m convinced that Monkey Island is responsible for nearly everything to do with my personality. Since the first time I finished the Lucasarts adventure I’ve had a minor obsession with anything comedy, monkey, point and clicky or piratey, and…