Browsing all posts tagged with GamesCom 2011.

Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes – Preview

Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes – Preview

It’s Tuesday afternoon, the Electronic Arts press conference and the assembled gaming press are furiously hammering away on laptops and iPads, illuminated only by the light from their screens and vying for bandwidth on an overly stretched wireless network. A short but explosive presentation for…

Rage – Hands-On Preview

Rage – Hands-On Preview

There are those game developers that perhaps don’t get the recognition that they should. id Software, in my opinion, is one of those and while the (somewhat) sleeping giant has shown signs of stirring from its slumber, it’s fallen short, in recent years, of capturing…

Sony Conference – GamesCom 2011

Sony Conference – GamesCom 2011

I had the opportunity to attend at Sony’s pre-GamesCom press conference, held the evening before the start of the expo. It’s a chance for Sony to show off to the press their big hitters and most important announcements before the start of the show when…