Browsing all posts tagged with Gamescom.

Gamescom Diary 2 – (hashtag) Lads on Tour

Gamescom Diary 2 – (hashtag) Lads on Tour

My original intention had been to get this diary done a while ago. However, I have just surfaced from a sleep-addled haze that has lasted for most of the past week, and that opportunity seems to have passed me by. That’s not necessarily a bad…

More Letters From Gamescom

More Letters From Gamescom

To The Crowds At Gamescom, It's... it's so beautiful I can understand the excitement of being surrounded by new and upcoming games, believe me I do. I almost cried tears of joy at the sight of the gigantic Watch Dogs stand, and stood beaming whilst…

Rise of Venice – Gamescom Preview

Rise of Venice – Gamescom Preview

For the past twenty minutes Venice has been producing salt. The prices, which had been near astronomical when it began production in its first salt mine, have been dropping steadily, to the point where the last few convoys that departed have returned with only the…