Browsing all posts tagged with Facebook.

Do You Pixwoo?

Do You Pixwoo?

Social media is great, aside from all the TXTSPK. It allows you to keep up-to-date with your friends, stay in touch with people who live too far away to see regularly, and brings us all together in a way that would be simply impossible without…

Actual Decent Gaming Coming to Facebook?

When someone tells you that they’ve become addicted to playing games through Facebook, the mind immediately conjures up images of someone hunched over a laptop snorting as they milk a dozen cows or place a ferris wheel in the corner of their plot, after first…

Social Gaming

Social Gaming

No I’m not going to be talking about Farmville, not mafia wars either. I’m talking a different sort of social gaming. Something is changing with the way we play our games and the way we interact with our friends; games are getting social. The idea…