Browsing all posts tagged with enough with the fucking zombies already.

Gaming Vs Reality – Zombies – Part 2

Gaming Vs Reality – Zombies – Part 2

Some time ago, I decided to do some research into zombies and thought about would happen in a real life zombie apocalypse compared to what happens in games. To do this I’ve been playing the crap out anything with the shambling undead, reading as many…

Gaming Vs Reality – Zombies – Part One

Gaming Vs Reality – Zombies – Part One

Zombies. Whether you’re willing to admit it or not, we gamers seem to love them and, for the time being, they’re here to stay on our consoles and in our PCs. They are the perfect enemy – mostly harmless on their own, and can be…

Zombies Are Dead

Zombies Are Dead

Zombies are a dead subject. Pun intended. Recently, games have been inundated with the flesh eating living dead.  Shopping malls and casinos have been swarmed with them. Nazis have been turning into them.  Distant vault planets have had islands dedicated to them; even cowboys have…