Browsing all posts tagged with E3 2012 previews.

Of Orcs and Men – E3 Preview

Of Orcs and Men – E3 Preview

I am seldom surprised when it comes to games. You read about them, see some screenshots or video and you get a sense of what the game is all about and what it will deliver. Of Orcs and Men is one of those games that…

Sleeping Dogs – E3 Preview

Sleeping Dogs – E3 Preview

Trailers can be worth more than their weight in gold in this industry; cast your mind back to ‘that’ Dead Island trailer from last year, and ask yourself how likely it is that you’d have given the zombie basher another look if those three minutes…

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing – E3 Preview

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing – E3 Preview

Professor Van Helsing – the mere utterance of his name will, depending on whether you’re a movie-goer or a page-thumber, conjure images of a romanticised larger-than-life gadget-laden hero or a stuffy academic with a nose for the books and a head for discovery.  While Abraham…