Browsing all posts tagged with E3 2012 previews.

Raven’s Cry – E3 Preview

Raven’s Cry – E3 Preview

I hadn’t heard much about Raven’s Cry from TopWare Interactive before E3. I knew that it was a game about pirates and from the trailer, it looked pretty violent, as you would expect, but I was not prepared to be as blown away as I…

Injustice: Gods Among Us – E3 Preview

Injustice: Gods Among Us – E3 Preview

If you’re a comic book fan, you’ll have had a conversation at least once about how ‘Hero A’ would totally wipe the floor with ‘Hero B’. You may also have contemplated what dire ramifications would follow should your favorite hero suddenly turn to the dark…

World of Warplanes – E3 Preview

World of Warplanes – E3 Preview

My first appointment at E3 was sitting down for a hands on with World of Warplanes, which is currently in closed beta, and an opportunity to meet some of the team from I had played World of Tanks back at Eurogamer 2011 and was…