Browsing all posts tagged with dungeon crawler.

Victor Vran – Review

Victor Vran – Review

You stand facing the army of shuffling skeletons, the brim of your leather hat flapping in the wind. “Time to go to work.” says Geralt of… wait… sorry Victor in a gravelly tone. He unsheathes his sword, charging the line of undead. “…

Krater Collector’s Edition Details Emerge

With the internet abuzz about top down action RPG Krater, those folks who still prefer their games to come in boxes should be glad to hear that the retail collector’s edition is scheduled to arrive on 17th August, 2012 and will come with a host…

Diablo III Beta Impressions

Diablo III Beta Impressions

There are few titles that invoke such a high level of nostalgia as Diablo, its very name having been used to all but describe an entire genre since it first saw release.  Similar games have never just been ‘dungeon crawlers’ or one of the myriad…