Browsing all posts tagged with Double Fine.

The Cave – Review

The Cave – Review

Self-discovery is normally one of those excuses or phrases you hear from a teenager as to why they’re spending their parents’ money on a year’s globe-trotting rather than making the jump to university, only for you to discover that, for the most part, they’ve only…

I Heart… Brutal Legend

I Heart… Brutal Legend

Dear Tim Schafer,
Please have my babies… hold on, let me explain.  As it stands, I’m a big fan of your work. The Monkey Island series is not only tops, but it’s one of my favourite series of all time, which is a big thanks…

Gaming Guilty Pleasures

Gaming Guilty Pleasures

We’ve all done it. The temptation’s gotten the best of us.  Our hearts are racing, minds on fire, praying you’re not caught, hoping no-one comes into the room, because if they do, you’re caught sweating, panting heavily, clutching the controller then turning away quickly and…