Browsing all posts tagged with Disney Interactive.

Fantasia: Music Evolved – Preview

Fantasia: Music Evolved – Preview

To be completely honest, I have never seen Fantasia. The classic Disney animation that combined classical music and wondrous imagery has somehow passed me by my entire life and, no matter how many times it’s re-released on Blu-Ray, I’ve still never got round to actually…

Pirates OTC LEGO Game Announced

Any idle speculation as to the theme of the next Lego game has now (until the next time, at least) been laid to rest; Disney announced today that they are teaming up with TT Games to create Lego Pirates of the Caribbean.  Featuring roguish, swaggering…

Tron Evolution Achievements Are In

The Tron achievement list is officially in and it is pretty much as we suspected:  the usual mix of single and multiplayer baubles, along with a handful of the staple, collectible achievements.  There are a handful of secret achievements to be scooped, but rather than…