Browsing all posts tagged with Dishonored.

Wading To The End

Wading To The End

Picture this: you meet someone on a night out. You approach the situation with some trepidation, but before long you feel like it was the right way to go, and you leave the evening with a phone number. You eagerly phone the next day and…

The Richie Report: Profoundly In Love With Katona

The Richie Report: Profoundly In Love With Katona

“Hot semen, you know”
Yeah baby, it’s October. The best of months. Plenty of big releases, and that means we can focus on the important stuff – the games, honey, the fucking games – and ignore whatever bullshit controversies the world of games journalism wants…

GamingLives Podcast Redux Episode 2

GamingLives Podcast Redux Episode 2

A Matter Of Honour
(aka “Enchanted Bangle of Jingle Jangle”) Dear Jim, please could you fix it for me to allow our listeners to enjoy an hour of serious discussion and frivolity where we look at whether ripping the multiplayer aspect from games such as…