Browsing all posts tagged with COD.

Modern Warfare 3 – Review

Modern Warfare 3 – Review

Okay, I’ll admit it; the epic finale of Modern Warfare 2 left me more than a little bit breathless and, having been a COD fangirl for the better half of a decade, Modern Warfare 3 was anything but a mere blip on my radar. In…

Battlefield 3 – Review

Battlefield 3 – Review

This is just the beginning. It would be nice to think that now the game is out the onslaught of the year long marketing push is to be retired and we can all have a rest from the BLUH NUH NUH BLUH NUH NUH, but…

COD: BLOps Escalation Out – Zombies Ahoy

If you’ve had your fill of the current Call of Duty: Black Ops maps and were on the verge of hanging up your headset and taking up bonsai pruning, than stop.  Activision have just released the new map pack, Escalation, featuring five new maps for…