Browsing all posts tagged with Borderlands.

Best of 2015: A Game of Two Halves

Best of 2015: A Game of Two Halves

First Published: Nov 27, 2015
Voted For By: Keegan, Ed
Reason(s) For Vote:
“I’m a serial non-completionist, and right here Lorna just gets me, you know? Sheer, unadulterated love for a game can be tarnished by a little absence and though you can almost bring

A Game of Two Halves

A Game of Two Halves

I can’t remember when I finally gave in to temptation and began to play Borderlands, but it was several years ago. It must have been, because Mark and I were able to pour hours into knocking down the Steam achievements for the game’s Moxxi’s…

Co-opting out of Co-op

Co-opting out of Co-op

Cooperative games are as popular today as split-screen games were in the nineties and they don’t show any signs of losing their popularity. I personally enjoy a good romp (oo-er) with friends as much as the next bloke. There’s nothing better than getting a group…