Browsing all posts tagged with Best of 2014.

Best of 2014 – Controller Issues

Best of 2014 – Controller Issues

First Published: Feb 11, 2014
Voted For By: Mark
Reason(s) For Vote:
“I used to be a keyboard gamer, and I don’t just meant when it was necessary back in the days of the Oric or whatever; I mean since we’ve had a choice. The

Best of 2014 – The Richie Report: RR3chE3 REpo3t Sp3cial

Best of 2014 – The Richie Report: RR3chE3 REpo3t Sp3cial

First Published: Jun 13, 2014
Voted For By: Lorna
Reason(s) For Vote:
“In all honesty, I could have picked any Richie Report. They are a great semi-regular feature and reading one is usually more amusing (and satisfying) than the thought of watching Nigel Faragefall down

Best of 2014 – The Richie Report – The Antsy Sanity Suffocation

Best of 2014 – The Richie Report – The Antsy Sanity Suffocation

First Published: Aug 4, 2014
Voted For By: Ric
Reason(s) For Vote:
“No one can round up a month like Richie, and no one can become obsessed with killing ants like Richie. But I think it’s more out of sympathy for Richie’s poor, ant-riddled brain.