Browsing all posts tagged with Best of 2013.

Best of 2013: The Walking Dead – The Post-Mortem

Best of 2013: The Walking Dead – The Post-Mortem

First Published: February 8, 2013
Voted For By: Chris, Tim
Reason(s) for Vote:
Great article because of how it picks apart one of the greatest games in recent memory. The game itself received near unanimous praise and while Ed acknowledges it’s positives, he certainly doesn’t

Best of 2013: Cats In The Cradle

Best of 2013: Cats In The Cradle

First Published: June 10, 2013
Voted For By: Chris, Ed
Reason(s) for Vote:
I don’t have kids. Maybe I never will, but I’d never, ever given any thought to how having kids would impact my thoughts on games. This was a real eye-opener and for

Best of 2013: BioShock Infinite – An Alternate View

Best of 2013: BioShock Infinite – An Alternate View

First Published: May 16, 2013
Voted For By: Ed, Tim
Reason(s) for Vote:
I’m often accused by friends who don’t read my articles or reviews of disliking popular things because I need to be different, and no matter how many times I eloquently explain why