Browsing all posts tagged with Best of 2013.

Best of 2013: Letters From Gamescom

Best of 2013: Letters From Gamescom

First Published: August 22, 2013
Voted For By: Chris, Keegan, Markuz
Reason(s) for Vote:
This was like a love letter to every thought I’ve ever had while travelling alone or with friends in the last twenty-seven years. It was both hilarious and heartfelt. Really, one

Best of 2013: Depression Quest – A Journey

Best of 2013: Depression Quest – A Journey

First Published: August 6, 2013
Voted For By: Adam, Chris, Markuz
Reason(s) for Vote:
It’s a discussion of the kind of game that I don’t think can really be done justice by somebody who hasn’t been through some of the experiences it depicts. Without that

Best of 2013: You’re Playing It Wrong!

Best of 2013: You’re Playing It Wrong!

First Published: April 8, 2013
Voted For By: Ian, Kris
Reason(s) for Vote:
Let’s be honest, we’ve all thought this. Well, I have. Constantly. And I’m usually right. But, it’s nice to see that maybe there is another way…and this article definitely highlights one of